Esplora e ascolta musica in streaming senza limiti! Sfoglia e riproduci la musica che preferisci, cercala tra le classifiche o i trend e ascoltala in qualsiasi momento!
In one tap: select the weather you have at your place or in your mind and enjoy the playlist that tunes to it! Feel the fast rhythm of the storm, cheerful sounds of the sunny day and ambient foggy music!
Whatever the weather, there is a music for it!
select the weather from suggested: Sunny, Cloudy, Foggy, Stormy, Raining, Snowing, Rainbow and enjoy 99+ songs playlist, that will sound just the way it feels!
* create and manage your own playlists whatever the weather is!
* search for new songs - you never know when you discover a track that makes you happy!
* filter the found tracks: original, remix, live etc.
* sort tracks by name, likes, bitrate and many more!
* collect and listen to your favorite tracks in one place!
* share your weather and your favorite music with friends on social networks and e-mail!
Dont surf through your playlist searching for the song that speaks to the weather - Weather Music has ready playlist for you. Download and feel the power of music!